Monday, July 15, 2013

Gotta Get Out

I have spent 3 wonderful months learning about prayer and getting to know God so much deeper. I am at the beginning of my last week of SOIP (School Of Intercessory Prayer). Today I was incredibly blessed to hear what others have learned throughout the school and teach on it. I also gave my teaching today! It was a thrill man! I will share more on that later and maybe you will have a chance to hear the recording of my teaching for yourself =)

Yes so I am pumped to take all that I have learned to the streets of Germany! I will graduate this Thursday from SOIP and be saying bye to all my friends that I have come to know the past few months. Because most had prior commitments we will actually not be going on outreach as an SOIP school. As I prayed about outreach I felt like God was really excited to show me a different perspective of outreach and really give me a deeper meaning of what outreach is. So I searched and prayed for opportunities to go out even if my school wasn’t. Excitingly, the School Of Worship has a few extra seats in their van and has invited me along for the ride! I am really excited to get to know my friends from the SOW even better! Not only will I be joining the SOW, but we are also teaming up with the School Of Evangelism from the YWAM base in Tyler, Texas. YES! TEXAS! =) It shall be good! 

The Tyler School Of Evangelism and the School Of Worship have actually already started outreach this week. I will join them after I have graduated at the end of the week. Here is a short look at our schedule over the next month.

July 14-19 Augsburg, Germany
Lead worship, intercession, small groups and ministry time at local youth camp.
July 20-26- Dillinghen, Germany
Street evangelism, ministry at local hospitals, lead morning prayers and an all night prayer watch.
July 27-August 4- Ludenscheid, Germany
Lead worship and evangelism times at local youth camp.
August 5-10- Freiburg
paPartner with local prayer house, all day prayer sets, practically helping with new local YWAM base, lead worship sets.
August 11-20- Heidenheim
Lead an all week worship conference.

I am very excited to see what God has in store for these next few weeks! It is a complete honor to collaborate with different schools and really work as one body for His glory!

PRAYER!!!!! Prayer is the beginning of every thing we do. We can always use prayer! I would do my best to keep you guys updated with specific prayer requests.

Also, FINANCES! I really believe God is leading me to step out in faith and go on the outreach despite the lack of finances. The total cost of the outreach will be near $1000. I have seen God provide faithfully for me prior to this outreach and I believe He can do it again. I look forward to the testimonies I will be able to share and experience with you of His provision and faithfulness!

If you would like to help me in my outreach you can contribute directly using Paypal! My email account is (If this isn’t convenient please feel free to contact me and we can work something out)

Also, if you are interested in becoming a long term supporter and giving on a monthly basis (tax deductible) I would love to chat and send you more information!

It has almost been a year now that I have been completely dependent on God to provide. His character never changes =) 

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