So as some may know my next step is to
continue on as a full time missionary with YWAM Herrnhut. . . Details to be
sorted out ;) A big part of choosing to be a full time missionary is living a
lifestyle that is completely dependent on God providing finances through
supporters and other crazy miracles here and there. Some people see this as a
huge daunting task and not something to look forward to. While it can be seen
as crazy and an awful thing I personally get really excited about it! YWAM
believes in every missionary raising their own personal support instead of
corporately raising support and then getting a check every month from the top
down like the majority of missions organizations do today. I am totally for the
personal fund raising because it gives God so much room to show up and allows
me to invite my family, friends and even strangers to be a part of what God is
doing in me and through me. I get to invite people to be a part of amazing
stories of God’s provision! God created us for relationship! Vertical and
Horizontal! Relationship with Him (Vertical) and relationship with those around
us (horizontal). Get it? It looks like a cross ;) Alright, moving on from
cheesy illustrations.
I always wondered why the heck I was
blessed with so many awesome people that loved me through out my life. And I am
convinced that it is this very reason. To invite everyone to be a part of
bringing God’s kingdom to this earth! Whether it is through people supporting
me with encouragement, prayer or finances! We get to be a team working for His
glory! I love it! I always wish that everyone could experience all the places
and stories I am blessed with and this is a way that not only can I invite
others to play a part, but to own it! It gets me excited to give others the opportunity
to say “hey, I helped bring joy or freedom to that girl in the Thailand red
light district and that little boy in the slums!” because really, in my eyes
everyone who offered a helping hand or two cents to me getting to Discipleship
Training School in Germany in the first place has the right to say that!
Our Father loves people! And He loves
partnering with people! If I have learned one thing in my school it is that our
God is aching to give things to us according to His will! All blessings and revelations
are in His hands , but He chooses to use US to take action to release it on
this earth! Be it finances, prayer, joy, freedom etc. Through people taking
action my Father released His provision in crazy ways for me to go to Germany,
Spain, Thailand, Finland and to buy a vanilla chai latte when I was having a
rough day! haha Agh, so beautiful! And it is my Father’s character to be
faithful! Which He has very much done these last few months that I have been in
the School Of Intercessory Prayer, both in big and small ways!
Moving on. . .
I am giddy to share a couple of examples
with ya!
The first situation: After DTS I decided
to come home and raise funds to return back to Germany to be a part of the
School Of Intercessory Prayer. This meant I was looking at raising $3000 in 6
weeks or so for the flight, lecture fees and other costs. RIDICULOUS right?!
Well obviously I am sitting in Germany as a student of SOIP writing this =) GO
GOD! Through working and donations I was able to pay for my flight and part of
my school fees. In this time a good friend of mine, Betsy, who is a
photographer and who also inspired me to do YWAM in the first place said she
would like to donate to me by offering a limited amount of photo sessions to
contribute to my school fees! People! Photographing and editing is way more
work than most people understand. This was an insane offer! I was blown away.
This is her career. How she pays for food, gas, rent etc. Who am I to be
sacrificed for like that, ya know?
I had an expected number in my head of what
my friend would donate and I expected to come up $200 or so short of completely
paying off all my fees, but when I looked into my account I found that through
Betsy God provided the difference of fees and then some! It was such a
beautiful thing to be a part of! Please check out one of the Betsy's work HERE. Your eyes will be very happy!
The second situation is a testimony of a
friend I was blessed by. Not only does God come through with the big things,
but He also takes joy in providing the small things.
Background info: I love running, but I
made the mistake of forgetting my worn running shoes in Germany while on my
three week outreach in Finland so I chose to use a pair of shoes my Spanish friend blessed me with to take a run in, although they are far from running shoes. haha Then being the social media lover that I am I shared my adventure wearing my "Spanish shoes" on Instagram. READ ON!
I love to
travel, so I have been glued to Allie's Instagram and blog since she left for
YWAM in Herrnhut, Germany. Her pictures are incredible and make me want to
spend time at every place she photographs. This is an important point to this
story so keep my addiction to her social media in mind, but I guess the
beginning of this story for me started in a work in my heart that God was
I have never thought of
myself as a selfish person and have tired to put others before myself whenever
I can. It is my approach to this behavior that had to be dealt with. I was
living by the golden rule. "Do unto others, as you would have them do unto
you." I was placing value on the fact of how my actions would provoke a
response in their words or their actions towards me. First, God showed me, with
new eyes, the verse: Colossians 3:23
Whatever you do, work at it with all your
heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.
I had always thought of
this verse as the things you do to achieve things or for gain. I like many of
us do, in many cases, was bending the scripture to fit my needs. Saying
"Yes Lord I will work hard on this (test, project, house chore) so that
you will bless the result!" But I had ignored the facet of working hard in
His name to make much of Him through blessing others purely for them to know
Second, during the same
day as this epiphany, I watched a video from about a boy who had just passed
away at the age of 17 from terminal cancer. It was a twenty minute documentary
you can check out HERE. It is a documentary done by Soul Pancake, who I regularly watch, that I just
stumbled upon. Zach's story is incredible but his heart for other's in his most
desperate times rocked me to tears and to search inside myself for this kind of
love and passion for others. Zach said something in that video I will now
forever hold on to. To bless others in the way that brings them joy.
"Spanish Shoes"
With the hash tag
#needshoes and #gottarun. Now, if you don't believe that, that was God
fulfilling a prayer in me, you're crazy, but I knew without a doubt the joy that
Allie received while running was the opportunity God laid before me to provide
her with new real running shoes. I was blown away by my God's immediacy to
answer my prayer and so excited to step out in faith to bless my new friend.
But the truth is that God did a work in my heart far greater than joy it
brought me when Allie started freaking out that I wanted to buy her shoes.
After stumbling through the German Nike website and getting the shoes delivered
to Allie, He showed me what He meant through His son Jesus. I was given life to
rejoice and have a fullness of joy beyond all understanding through all of
eternity, because of the beautiful sacrifice of God's love in giving up His
son. I don't pretend that the tennis shoes I gave Allie were some great sacrifice,
but I can imagine a world where we all step out in faith to bring someone else
joy, purely for their joy. Our world would then truly know the love of Christ.
Ask God to provide you an opportunity and you surely will not be
I can’t say how much I love how He
works! How He puts the finest details together to make His will happen. On my
run I said a short prayer that God would provide me with a new pair of running
shoes or finances for some and the next morning I hear from Jo! Every time I
lace up my shoes I am reminded of His love, provision and faithfulness. And
just how stinkin cool He is! I pray that not only will He continue to bless me
with awesome stories of His provision, but even more so will bless
relationships with people I love and build their faith in our Father as a good
one who loves giving. Really He does. We only have to be available, have
a little faith and take action.
“Or which one of you, if
his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish,
will give him a serpent? If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts
to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good
things to those who ask him!” -Matthew 7:9-11
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