Missions Support Team

Hello there!
Thank you for visiting my Missions Support Team page! This page is dedicated to giving you a bit more information about where I am at, what I am doing, what is YWAM and how to be a part of my Missions Support team. I started my adventure with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) nearly a year ago as a student in the Marriage Of The Arts Discipleship Training School (MOTA DTS) in Herrnhut, Germany. I have also completed the secondary School of intercessory Prayer (SOIP) at YWAM Herrnhut. 

When I say Missions Support Team I am talking about joining with me in prayer and finances to share God’s love with others in all nations as a missionary with YWAM Herrnhut. Without your prayer and financial support I wouldn’t be able to do this! We are all called to be mission minded and to share the gospel. We are all called to relationship with the Father and relationship with each other. We are called to work hand in hand to bring peace, joy and righteousness to this earth!

I would love to include you in what God has blessed me with! Thank you for your time! Read on to learn more.

Where I Am At
YWAM Herrnhut in Germany has grown in such huge ways over the last year! Both spiritually and physically! We have launched a satellite base in Asia as well as Sarasota, Florida. I am incredibly honored and excited about being a part of the team here in Sarasota to help pioneer the base and kick off our first Marriage Of The Arts DTS in January! I am a staff member in the DTS directly pouring into students, reaching out in the states and leading outreaches outside of the states. My heart is to invite people into the freedom, love, joy and peace that I experience in Christ. My heart is for relationships and discipleship. To take every opportunity to pour into youth and help them see the fullness of what God has given them. To encourage them and release them into the nations to make change for God’s kingdom.

Why Support Me?
In YWAM we believe in the importance of the individual, in relationship and dependency on God in all things. This includes finances. Some people get paid for the work that they do, but YWAM believes in every individual being responsible for providing their own support. I have seen God provide for me many times. Sometimes in really mind blowing ways, but most of the time it is through His people taking action. I love it! Being dependent on God for finances gives Him so much room to move and so many
opportunities to invite others into the work He has called me to. I have been a part of quite a few teams growing up and I can tell you without a doubt it is always way more exciting and rewarding being a part of something bigger than yourself rather than individual success. I am inviting you to be a part of something bigger than our selves, bringing God’s kingdom to this earth! I always wish that I could take everyone
in my bag to experience all the stories and adventures that I go on. Financially being a part of my missions team gives you a part in these adventures and stories! My God is a provider and so long as I continue as He has called me He will continue to provide. My desire is inviting you to be a part of what God has called me into!

What Does This Look Like?
There are many ways to contribute as a part of my missions support team you contribute in many different ways (both tax deductible and non tax deductible), including: automatic withdrawal, by check, via PayPal and credit card. And as always prayers are always needed! Please do not hesitate to contact me if you would like to be a part of my Missions Support Team or have any questions at alliereyna1108@gmail.com

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