Sunday, May 19, 2013

More Finland, More Learning

My oh my I can not believe that another week has gone by here in Finland!! 

This past week we were fortunate to hang out with Mark Erickson. Leader of YWAM Finland. He told us many stories of how he partnered with God in prayer throughout his life in missions. I think the biggest thing that grabbed hold of my heart this week listening to Mark's stories is the point of prayer. We are invited into this meeting time with our Father. For me this time was often cluttered with me listing off things that were bothering me or things I wanted to see in others lives. Or a pressure to hear God give me the next step for the day or my life. The point of prayer at this time for me was often the result. But through Mark's stories it hit me that the point of prayer was not the result, but simply that I got to hang out with my Father. Just like a best friend. There is no need to really do anything special or to get something out of your friend, but that you just get to be with them. For the joy set before Him Jesus was obedient in taking on the cross. The joy of relationship with us. I am beginning to learn deeper and deeper the joy of being with my Father just to be with Him. So now instead of pressure there is peace. There is joy and excitement when He does speak and ask me to take a step instead of confusion and fear. It's so great to be a daughter of the king! His burden is light and his yoke is easy!

Usually during morning lectures we learned about "spiritual mapping". Basically we learned that research of an area or situations' past spiritually and historically can lead to prayer points in praying for a situation or area now. So this past week we visited many key spots in the city of Helsinki to intercede for Finland. This strategy is very new to me, but God helped me put it into perspective by thinking of it as a basketball game ;) as a point guard you bring the ball up the court with the knowledge of the opponents defense and you know which are the weak spots to attack and penetrate to get to the rim. You can't always find a straight path through the lane to the goal, but you penetrate, kick it out and move the ball around to get the job done. That's how prayer is! You use the coaches strategy to attack the defense :) 

I am likening Helsinki the more I see and the more I pray! The church that is housing us has been unbelievably generous in taking care of us. It seems like everyday someone brings us fresh bread, stops by to visit or to ask for prayer.

Here are some photos from the week! Thank you for your support and love! Enjoy :) 

The SOIP family :) .. Yes their is an apple on my head. 

Morning lecture and intercession praying at a famous Finland fortress.

I love that I still have friends around that love to shoot.

We took a fairy to the fortress island! First time on a fairy and on the Baltoc Sea :)) 

One morning included praying on the steps of the parliament building.

This is Mark lecturing in the forest. Such a cool guy! 80% of Finland is covered in trees! 

Streets of Helsinki city.

We also had a morning of lecture and prayer at this church in the center of Helsinki. 
2 of my beautiful German friends hanging out in the forest before lecture. 

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