Sunday, May 12, 2013

Hello from Finland!

As some may know from my social media ramblings I am currently in Helsinki, Finland!!! It is blowing my mind! Never did I think I would travel to so many places. I've been to more countries than I have been to states in America I think. Haha 

Leading up to our trip to Finland we had a great week with Rogerio Santos as our speaker. The lectures he taught about the Heart Of Prayer were very challenging. We asked questions like why do we even pray? What is the point? Does God need us to pray? Although challenging, this week brought so much joy for me. It brought more light to how passionate And jealous my Father is for relationship with me. And with you. It is such a beautiful thing to explore and recognize that our God wants us to partner with Him in bringing His kingdom to this earth. 

So 4 days ago our SOIP jumped on a train and then a short plane ride to Helsinki, Finland  for a 3 week lecture and outreach to begin to put into practice what we have learned so far. 

The first few weeks that we have been here in Helsinki have been very busy! We came along side a conference of all YWAM bases in Northern Europe to reach out to the people in Helsinki. We also served at youth groups and a local outreach initiative with a local church. It was so cool to be able to pray with strangers on the streets and share what a relationship with God is.  One homeless woman I prayed for didn't speak English, but she allowed me to pray for her anyways. After she just wept and hugged me and thanked me. I spoke to a younger guy who was searching and considering many different religions, but didn't know much about Christianity. I was able to share my testimony with Him and share how for me my God was not like any other god that other religions offer. On the last day of walking through the streets of Helsinki and praying for others this drunk man began speaking to me and my friends in Finnish. A friend from the local church translated for us. This guy kept repeating that Allah was god and that's who He believed. He practiced Islam. He also said that his knees were always in pain. So my friend said let me pray for you! My God, Jesus will heal your knees. So he let us pray for Him. Minutes later after we asked God to heal this man his entire demeanor changed. There was joy in his eyes. He hugged us and laughed and said that they felt so much better, they didn't hurt. It was crazy! But that's our God. His understanding is beyond ours. He is powerful and He is so able to do far more than we ask or think! 

Along with outreach initiatives the next few weeks in Finland, this first week we will also be sitting in on lectures taught by Mark Erickson, who plays a huge role in the pioneering of YWAM bases in Finland. He will be teaching on the life of an intercessor. 

This season at YWAM Herrnhut has been so challenging and full of God's faithfulness and leading. I am excited  to continue to share what God is leading me to and how He is changing me. 

Planes have become so familiar :) I love the rain.

Of course I brought my friend! Just because MOTA is over the shooting never stops :) 

The first time I laid my eyes on Finland!!! 

Going to the streets and showing the Fins how thankful we are :) 

We met a lot of interesting people to pray for! 

"God has a plan for you" Finnish is a hard language haha but it definitely has its beauty. 

Not only the people are beautiful, but the city is as well. 

Until next time, thank you for your support and love. This week has shown me again how incredibly blessed I am to have the people in my life that I do. Your friendships mean so much to me :) 


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