It is so weird writing a blog post knowing that I will be
home in Texas in 4 days. I am currently in Herrnhut getting ready for our last
week of school! The base is crazy getting ready for report back night, final
exhibition, graduation and so many new things Y.W.A.M. Herrnhut is pioneering.
So much excitement!
For now I want to share just a little about what my friends
and I were up to in Spain! Oh my goodness I absolutely loved Spain. The
beautiful architecture. Spanish speaking everywhere. The diversity of the
people there. Beautiful weather. It was great. Such a privilege to share with
Barcelona what God did in us and through us the last 6 months of discipleship
training school.
And that is exactly what tour is. Y.W.A.M. Herrnhut’s heart
is to really focus on stirring passion in Europe for God and His people, so our
school broke into 13 different teams to go to 13 different locations in Europe.
My team in Spain spent a week speaking to college small
groups, church congregations, and youth groups. We even held an exhibition in a
restaurant located in the heart of Barcelona. It was such a beautiful thing. We
simply stood up and told our stories of how we have come to know God and how we
have seen Him change lives. We displayed our art with small descriptions and
people asked questions. We didn’t do anything special, but make ourselves
available and open with how we have been radically changed by God. And God did
so much.
The first speaking engagement I met a girl in her first year
of university who decided right on the spot that she wanted more of God and
wanted to do MOTA. I got to know her even better throughout the week and was so
moved by her willingness to chase after God despite setbacks. At that same
meeting after a friend shared his story of seeing a man healed of multiple
sclerosis we invited those in need of prayer to come to the front. A woman
walked away healed of her shoulder pain that bothered her for years. People
told us that we brought so much joy and passion wherever we went. It blows my mind
that so much came out of us doing what we love. Art and sharing about God. When
we are faithful in using the passions He has placed inside us to worship Him it
is unbelievable what he produces.
See you soon friends and family! Can't wait to share more in person. Your support and love is always so appreciated!!
Enjoy the photos!
Enjoy the photos!
Allie!! These are such great photos. I still can't believe you went to Spain. Hurry back so we can drink coffee and talk for 390482 hours.