Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Life After Outreach

I cannot believe that the past few morning of mine have been spent walking through the snow covered forest in Herrnhut, Germany. Just last week I was in Thailand.


The last few days have been filled with jet lag problems, unpacking, hours of conversation with missed friends, so much laughter, tour planning, debriefing our time in Thailand and looking ahead to what’s next! I cannot explain how filled with joy my heart is being back in Herrnhut. It feels good.

So here is to catching up!

I arrived back in Herrnhut from Thailand Friday morning. It was a long 62 hours of traveling by bus, train and plane. God did so many amazing things through our team in Thailand! I can’t wait to share stories with everyone when I get home! It wasn’t so fun saying bye to our friends we made in Thailand, but it is so great to smile as we look back and see just how big God moved in our time in Thailand. The weekend was spent catching up with dear friends and catching up on sleep.

But there was little time for hanging out. We are already in the full swing of things here at Y.W.A.M. Herrnhut!

We just finished up debrief sessions as a school and as individual outreach teams. It is so surreal to sit and really process all that we did and saw on outreach. Debriefing has been so effective in really taking a step back and looking at the big picture and really see how God moved. My team had a wonderful outreach. God built up so much faith in us and grew us in bold obedience. Hopefully time will permit me to post a blog sharing way more about outreach. So many crazy stories filled with His glory!

While celebrating the victories and walking through what all happened on outreach our school is hard at work pulling together the ATOM. The ATOM is a magazine that compiles photos and stories of our experiences throughout DTS and outreach. Putting together a near 100 page full color magazine in less than a week is an insane task! I cannot wait to show everyone the finished product. Until then you can checkout the last MOTA’s finished product here!

On top of all this we are all also getting prepared for tour! Tour is essentially a week we take to travel to our fellow European classmates communities and share our experiences throughout DTS and outreach. We have a total of 13 different tours going to 13 different locations. Most are here in Germany, but I will be heading to Spain with 12 other of my friends!!! I am so incredibly excited! God has already been so faithful in providing the finances we needed as a team for transportation and food. I am so excited to see what He does when we are actually in Spain! We will be sharing what MOTA is, our experiences throughout DTS and our art to multiple churches, college groups and youth groups around Barcelona.

I seriously cannot believe that DTS is coming to an end. It seems like just yesterday that I walked through the forest for the first time, but in 17 days I will be back in Texas! It has been a beautiful journey and I know God has so much more just around the corner with tour and a beautiful celebration on our graduation night. And I have a feeling that this past 6 months is just the beginning of what He has in store for my life and His kingdom coming.

Thank you so much everyone for all your encouragement and prayers! I know I say it a lot, but I can’t express how much the support is appreciated and how it directly effects not only me, but it directly effects the people I have encountered throughout this time.

Our God is a big God family and friends. And He is able to do far more than we can imagine! I have seen this and personally experienced His faithfulness in this the last 6 months.

Until next time!
Much love! xoxo

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