Morgan Sage Calderon is as genuine as they come! Morgan and I grew up together in Ralls, Texas. We are technically family (second cousins), but I would have chosen this girl to be on my side even if I wasn't forced to ;) I still remember playing football in her backyard with helmets and shoulder pads. Being her interpreter throughout school and trying not to be angry with her when she broke the sunroof of my car. No one can stay mad at that adorable face for too long right? Plus, she let me come to her house after school and eat all the cereal I wanted =) After high school graduation Morgan and I went our separate ways. And she is now graduating from Lubbock Christian University this semester and will go on to change tons of kids lives as a teacher. It is beyond me how we are already graduating/graduated from college and getting "big kid" jobs, but we are here and I can't imagine getting to this point without her in my life.
Morgan has a heart of gold and such a fierce love for the Lord. She constantly inspires me to figure out a new way to love Him every day. Her laugh is completely contagious and their is no way you can resist her dorky personality (I mean that in the best way possible Mug). I am so glad you were able to hang out in Canyon for a weekend. You are unbelievably amazing and beautiful!! I am so blessed to have you as a friend and Sister in Christ. I can't wait to see what God has planned for you.
Enjoy =)
I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand I will not be shaken
-Psalm 16:8
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