Friday, April 6, 2012

Mary Barientos | Senior

I have been so anxious to post this shoot! I have to honestly say that it has been one my favorite shoots since I started photographing. Mary is a senior at Ralls High School. She had been reminding me for over a year now that I was going to take her senior portraits and I am so thankful that we made it happen. I didn't know Mary very well before this shoot, but I always noticed something different about her and it is completely evident in her photographs. I could not get over how absolutely beautiful this girl is! A beauty that completely radiates from within. I am not joking when I say that I wish that I had her intelligence, sincerity and beauty when I was in high school. She knows who she is and where that source of identity is found. Her smile and laugh is incredibly contagious. Mary I was completely blessed by our few hours spent together. Good luck at St. Edwards =) Keep dreaming big girl! 

We definitely laughed a lot. (I told you it was contagious)

Loved this dress! Hot pink, my favorite!

 I know she will love me for putting this one up

Again, Mary you are my hero for getting a little messy with me =) 

Totally love her tattoo.

Can't forget to give a shout out to her BFF Rebekah! Definitely a big help when it came to bringing out that smile and laugh.

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