Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The House That God Gave Us

So maybe a some of you guys have seen me tweet or Facebook about “this house God gave us” And maybe a few of you out of the some that have heard about this are thinking “Ridiculous, God doesn’t give people houses”. Well I am here to tell you YEEAHHHH HE DOES!

Here is how the story goes. Once upon a time little Allie Reyna was sad and maybe caught up in a bit of self pity because her really good friends left to outreach in Asia and due to visa and finance issues she was stuck in cold Herrnhut, Germany. Thoughts like “I am tired of shoveling snow and making cookies to reach out to the community” and “I am a missionary, I should be preaching the gospel in Asia not Herrnhut” consumed her head. Notice the selfishness and need of a perspective/heart check.

In this time period, one evening sitting in the Viltnis Café in Herrnhut, consumed by her need for WIFI a tax advisor walks in and asks Ashley, the barista for information to contact the leaders of YWAM Herrnhut. Allie vaguely hears the mention of a house, but continues with her eyes glued to her screen. Ashley invites the tax advisor to sit and have a free coffee as she gathers the information he requested. The man scans the café occupied by only Allie and chooses to sit directly in front of her. The self-consumed missionary says a short “hallo” with hardly a glance at the man expecting there to be a language barrier. To her surprise the tax advisor spoke perfect English and pursued a conversation with Allie using small talk of where are you from and what’s your name. Because little YWAMer Allie learned in DTS that God speaks to her, she realized that she should talk to this tax advisor. So she reluctantly set her phone down and found herself in the middle of an example of how God includes us in His awesomeness even we don’t realize it or deserve it. That evening God used Allie’s answers to the tax advisors questions of why she was in Herrnhut, what YWAM is and how she has learned more about God to answer prayers and change lives.

6 months later after Allie returns to Herrnhut from outreach in Asia and is walking home through the dark forest with a friend. The friend asks Allie “have you heard about the guy who is giving us a house because of your conversation with him?” After a few minutes of memory searching Allie is shocked and in awe to hear that because of her conversation with this tax advisor his perspective of YWAM was changed and has convinced his client to begin the process of giving YWAM Herrnhut a house absolutely free.

Months before little Allie existed at YWAM Herrnnut the YWAM Herrnhut community began praying and asking God for more property to house their growing community.

After DTS and visiting home for a few weeks Allie returned to Herrnhut to begin the School Of Intercessory Prayer. In this time that Allie was in the secondary school, the keys to this new house were successfully handed to YWAM Herrnhut and the tax advisor gave his life to Jesus!

Ok exiting story mode.

There you go! God gave us a house! And a man’s life was changed. This house now houses the majority of the 200 students that have just begun the Marriage Of The Arts and Revive DTS’. It is so stinkin cool that God has allowed me to be a part of this story from the beginning with a conversation until now where I spent the last couple of weeks in Herrnhut sanding, painting and nailing to prepare this house to be a home to so many students who’s lives will be changed by God through YWAM Herrnhut just like mine was.

I often get asked how I can trust God enough to leave family and friends behind and go to these crazy places on my own. It is because I know that I am never alone, I know that my God loves me enough to invite me to be a part of awesome stories like this one! Because I know my God doesn’t change. His character never fails. He is a provider and He is love. Whether He does it by giving me a house, money for a flight or gives me peace through scripture, He provides. This story will always be a reminder, an altar of who my God is and always will be! 

The house sits near one of the entrances to Herrnhut. Every time a YWAMer would pass by the house on our way to the castle we would touch it and pray for it.

The courtyard behind the house. 

I am not sure I have ever cleaned so much in my life. 

I am not the most neat worker ever.  

The last weekend we worked on the house we got took a break to have a community lunch. 

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