Sunday, April 21, 2013

Here We Go Again

Hey there family and friends! I am in awe that I am back in Europe writing this. It feels like just yesterday that I hopped on my first plane out of the country. Actually, DTS (Discipleship Training School) seems like a dream that never happened. But it definitely happened and I was definitely changed by the way I encountered God this past year here in Herrnhut, Germany.  

Just a week ago I hugged family and friends goodbye in the airport once again. People ask me if it was any easier this time around, but I would have to answer that it wasn’t easier at all. I don’t think good byes are ever easy. Especially when you have been blessed with an incredible community of family and friends. My heart was heavy as I left. I don’t enjoy knowing that the people who love me worry and miss me. I do not enjoy the fear that gripped me before I went through airport security just as it did the first time, but I know above all that following what my Father has called me to is completely worth it and I pray that the people back home are blessed by the strength God has given me to follow as he leads.  

The weeks I was home flew by so quickly! I apologize if I didn’t get to catch up with you while I was home or didn’t spend as much time as I would have liked with people I did see. I am not perfect and am still learning how to manage time for fundraising, catching up with family and friends and time to relax with a limited amount of time home. But I am doing my best! Your patience, support, grace, encouragement and prayers are incredibly appreciated!

Here is a short look at what I was up to while I was at home through Instagram.

Fun times with Lilly | Ran into Tim Tebow | Lubbock, TX. Color Run with my Roomie | Congresso 2013 | Photo shoots & fundraising for YWAM SOIP | Family Easter | laughs with my Grandpa Felix | Got to know my youngest niece Leiah | Visited my old university and good friends | Spoke to WT NSAC team | Hugged friends | Spoke at WT FCA & good times with best friends | Share my experiences with YWAM at Palce Coffee | Family time | I have a boyfriend =) | Said good bye

This first week that I was over seas I was so excited to spend some time with one of my best friends I made at YWAM. It was a beautiful few days of relaxing and catching up. Exactly what I needed! I am now in Herrnhut where SOIP (School Of Intercessory Prayer) will begins today. God did such awesome things the first time I took a step in faith to attend YWAM, I know He will be faithful to do the same as I focus on growing closer to Him in prayer the next few months. I can not thank everyone enough for their support for me to get back here and continue in missions!

Much love!

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