Hello family and friends!
I am staying the night in the Dresden airport before I head back west. It is unbelievable that this day is here. I've been to five different countries the past month. I have been places and seen things that I didn't know I was allowed to dream of. I encountered God in such a beautiful way! I've made incredible friends that I already miss dearly. I am not exactly sure what to really think right now. On one hand my heart hurts that I had to say good bye to friends that I spent just about every moment with the last 6 months, but at the same time I am so excited to hug my friends and family I've known for years!!! Who am I to have been given this life!! This is all so over my head and a tad scary. What the heck do I do now? That's a good question.
If I've learned one thing this last 6 months is that my God is faithful to hold my hand through every step of every journey. I have the privilege as His daughter to simply enjoy His presence and not worry about the future. In boldness and authority I will step into what He has next when that time comes.
I think I will just take a look back at how faithful and how insanely He has moved in my life, my friends lives and those we encountered as the 2012-2013 Y.W.A.M. Marriage Of The Arts school.
Take a look :)
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