Thursday, May 24, 2012

Alotta Enchilada | Journey to Germany

I have been so excited to write this post! It has been such an incredibly blessed week in Ralls, Texas! As most of you know I have been fundraising for the Y.W.A.M. Marriage Of The Arts Program that I will be attending this fall in Germany. It has been a very challenging thing to raise, save and earn money, but it is also a very rewarding process. Not only because, yes God is providing the money I need to travel across the world, but because GOD IS PROVIDING and because he is ALLOWING us all to be a part of it.

In Psalm 33:6 it says ‘by the word of the Lord the heavens were made, and by the breath of his mouth all their host’. The God who created the heavens by his word and gave life with his breath doesn’t need me. He doesn’t need me to travel across the country to share the gospel with people who don’t know it. He didn’t need you to give me money so that I will be able to make that trip across the world, but the thing is that he wants us to and he is allowing us to be a part of the story. He doesn’t need us, but we sure do need him! And he knows that and loves us enough to give us that opportunity to be a part of his work! He doesn't need us, but he wants us and he will pursue us! There isn't anything special about me, I'm not any better than anyone else for going to Germany I am just responding in obedience to a God that pursues me. And there is no way I would have the courage to do that without the support from everyone. I chose to “brand” my fundraising efforts as my “Journey to Germany” not only because it sounds cool, or because as a girl with an advertising degree I feel like I have to brand everything, but because I knew that even before I began the actual YWAM program the process of finding my way there would be a journey in itself. And I am completely humbled and so excited that so many people have chosen to be a part of it!!! 

Our latest (by our, I mean my family and I, because they have worked just as hard as I have to help. More on that later) fundraising effort we took on was a good old fashioned Mexican enchilada sale! Thank goodness just about everyone loves homemade Mexican food! =) Monday, May 21, 2012 will be a day I will always remember and one that will always be close to my heart! Again, not only because man did God show up and provide!!! but because the journey that that day was. I absolutely loved loved loved catching up with faces that I hadn't seen in so long and meeting strangers who just wanted to help or simply liked mexican food =) I had wonderful conversations about what God is doing in my life and what he is doing in others' lives here in Ralls. I enjoyed the short thank you's and good lucks and the smiles! I enjoyed all of it! My heart was seriously overflowing with joy that whole day! I've said many times before that I feel like I could always come back to Ralls, no matter where I am at in my life and I would know without a doubt that I would be loved, encouraged and supported like you should be by your home, but each time this small town never fails to surprise me with how above and beyond it goes for those in our community. From the minute mom and I woke up at 7am, ok mom woke up a bit earlier, until we finally sat down after the 2 hours of washing pans stained with cheese in the evening I was one very happy girl! 

Rolling those enchiladas! An idea of what near 500 enchiladas looks like.

Me and my grandma!!! Be sure to thank her for how yummy the plates were!
Another huge reason I loved this past Monday so much was that I spent hours around a table making, packing and loading plates of enchiladas with my family. I want to especially thank my grandma, mommy and daddy for all their hard work!! Despite their fears of what is to come with my trip to Germany my parents love me enough to help me chase after what God has called me to. My grandma has always been such an amazing example of a faithful woman of God and a solid source of encouragement for me to pursue a relationship with Christ!

SOOOOOOO, I'm sure everyone is very curious as to just how much God blessed me this past week, quantitatively speaking =) We sold 162 enchilada plates! That is 486 enchiladas! For a total of $1,134!!!!!!!!!!! BUT, to go even further there was a huge amount of generous people who chose to give extra. As well as a few people who replied to my donation letters, that I sent out a few weeks ago, with additional donations. Plate profit and donations given from this past week add up to be near $2,300!!!!!! Is that insane or what?!?! I am now halfway to my goal. Just today I bought my plane ticket to Germany!!! =D Now I am working towards fully paying my tuition and the mission trip part of the program along with other smaller costs (supplies, immunizations, visa etc.). 

Me faking as if I am enjoying dish duty

Yes we deliver.
Again I can't thank everyone enough for their willingness to do what a church was made to do. Support and push each other to grow in Christ and go out and share the good news with the world! He as already done way more than I could've imagined and I know he isn't done just yet in this Journey to Germany.

Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.
Ephesians 3:20-21

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